Pilar's "Ode to Perseverance" was commissioned by Amnesty International to represent Article #8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This piece along with 29 others by different artists was showcased at the Amnesty International Film Festival in Vancouver on Nov.13-16.
The UDHR @60 Gala Art Auction will take place on December 9th at the CANVAS ALOUNGE , 99 Powell Street.
All the art pieces will be auctioned off at this dinner/auction event.
Call 604-294-5160 for more information.
“Ode to Perseverance” (Go to Gallery/New Works to view it.)
In “Ode to Perseverance” I have explored ideas of justice through an allegorical ensemble of iconographic characters and objects representing various virtues and vices.
Justice begins with each individual. Individuals form a society and justice is a product of the virtues and values in any given society.
Each individual attempts to balance virtues and vices within themselves; this is the struggle that “Ode to Perseverance” attempts to express.
Vancouver East Side Culture Crawl
Pilar will be a participant in Vancouver's best known Arts Festival
check out the website for all the details and maps!
This year it is on November 21,22 and 23rd.
Studio Address:
#344-1000 Parker St.
Vancouver, BC
Come one, come all!
Opening Saturday, March 29th 2008
Numen Gallery (numengallery.com)
Suite 120, 1058 Mainland St, Vancouver, BC
Artist's Reception: Saturday March 29th, 4-6 pm.