Pilar's "Ode to Perseverance" was commissioned by Amnesty International to represent Article #8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This piece along with 29 others by different artists was showcased at the Amnesty International Film Festival in Vancouver on Nov.13-16.

The UDHR @60 Gala Art Auction will take place on December 9th at the CANVAS ALOUNGE , 99 Powell Street.

All the art pieces will be auctioned off at this dinner/auction event.

Call 604-294-5160 for more information.

“Ode to Perseverance” (Go to Gallery/New Works to view it.)

In “Ode to Perseverance” I have explored ideas of justice through an allegorical ensemble of iconographic characters and objects representing various virtues and vices.
Justice begins with each individual. Individuals form a society and justice is a product of the virtues and values in any given society.
Each individual attempts to balance virtues and vices within themselves; this is the struggle that “Ode to Perseverance” attempts to express.

(posted on 9 Jun 2008)

Vancouver East Side Culture Crawl

Pilar will be a participant in Vancouver's best known Arts Festival


check out the website for all the details and maps!

This year it is on November 21,22 and 23rd.

Studio Address:

#344-1000 Parker St.

Vancouver, BC

Come one, come all!

(posted on 10 Sep 2007)


Opening Saturday, March 29th 2008

Numen Gallery (numengallery.com)

Suite 120, 1058 Mainland St, Vancouver, BC

Artist's Reception: Saturday March 29th, 4-6 pm.

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